PCDM picks up from the following Lexington District One Schools:
Pleasant Hill Elementary & Middle School
Lake Murray Elementary
Rocky Creek Elementary
Centerville Elementary
Gilbert Elementary
Deerfield Elementary
As buses arrive, each child will be able to have a snack, use the restroom, play outside, and then
have anywhere from 20-40 minutes to do homework. We will start our rotations at 4:00 every day.
We have three rotations every afternoon. The rotation details are covered below.
Rotation Explanations:
Care: This rotation is to talk about God’s love for us and how we love him and show love to others.
Multi(purpose): This rotation is to use our imaginations, practice our collaboration skills, and to just have fun!
Recreational: This rotation is to get our bodies moving and utilize our gross motor skills while learning fun games and working together.
Extra Activities: